Petitions for the Twenty-ninth Sunday in OrdinaryTime
October 15-16, 2022
Almighty God, you held the Israelites up in battle with their enemies. Hold our leaders up as they encounter battles with lies and misinformation.
Lord, You listen to those who come to You with requests for help in everyday worries. Guide us in Your wisdom as we choose our new leaders in the upcoming elections.
Merciful Father, embrace your children here at St. Vincent’s as we battle the enemies of poverty, ignorance and hopelessness. Pour special blessings upon our Brother Al who has served for 65 years so that people will have decent housing and education to raise them out of poverty.
In this month of October when we honor Mary, our Mother, help us to pray regularly and with persistence, using the rosary as our method of prayer. We pray that all people will enjoy freedom from want and abuse.
Compassionate and Loving Lord, look tenderly upon your servants here below and lift the sorrow of loss as those who are close to them suffer and die. Remind their survivors that their loved ones are enjoying Eternal Life with You.
Terry Trudeau