General Intercessions
Palm Sunday ~ March 27-28, 2021
This week, ALL Lectors add “We pray…”
For those who feel abandoned by God…
For those who are angry with the Church…
For all who carry the cross of misunderstanding, we pray…
For those who long to heal our divided nation . . .
For those who proclaim in word and in deed
that Black lives, and Asian lives, and immigrant lives matter…
For all who carry the cross of injustice, we pray…
For those who suffer with physical or mental illness…
For those who are imprisoned, addicted, or unemployed…
For all who carry the cross of discouragement, we pray…
For those who are nearing the end of their lives…
For those who keep watch by their side,
and those who must grieve from a distance…
For all who carry the cross of letting go, we pray…
Christine Eberle