General Intercessions
April 5, 2020 ~ Palm Sunday
Let us lift up all worshipping communities during this coronavirus crisis: For outreach to those most in need, For pastoral support and spiritual guidance, For the ever-present reminder that we are One Human Family, we pray . . .
Let us lift up those who are carrying heavy burdens of decision-making: For leaders of government trying to give clear guidance, For leaders of companies trying to do right by their employees, For leaders of charities trying to fulfill their mission while keeping everyone safe,
we pray . . .
Let us lift up all who feel abandoned during this time: For those who live alone, For those who are isolated in hospitals or nursing homes, For those who have lost their jobs, or had to close their businesses, we pray . . .
Let us lift up those who are preparing for the Easter sacraments, now delayed: Especially for our candidates, Diana, Freeman, and Caitlin, And our catechumens, Diane and Chioma. For a deepening of faith, hope, and love, we pray . . .
Let us lift up all who suffer: For those who are fearful, ill, or dying, For those on the front lines of medical care, For those grieving loved ones who have perished, we pray . . .
Christine Eberle