OCTOBER 3-4, 2020
We pray that the Spirit inspires us to bear the fruit of mercy
and forgiveness toward all in God’s vineyard.
We pray that, as we celebrate the feast of St. Francis of
Assisi and Respect Life Sunday, we reflect on our
relationship with all life, including the poor, the marginalized,
immigrants, all of God’s creatures, and all of God’s creation.
We pray for the strength to hold our elected leaders and
each other accountable when racism occurs. We pray
that we will continue to grow and to work together to
break down the barriers that alienate, segregate, and
We pray that, as we conclude this Season of Creation, we are
inspired to listen to and respond to Pope Francis’ challenge
to “hear the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor”.
We pray for all who have died, including the over 208,000
Americans who have died of the coronavirus, that they find
peace surrounded by God’s eternal love.
Submitted by: Joan McGowan