Feast of Christ the King
Christ, our King and Savior, empower the leaders of our nation to
serve with intelligence and compassion. Impart on them the wisdom
to address issues that alleviate social discord.
Shed your light upon our church hierarchy to discern the true
meaning of all life as precious. Let us pray that there be an end to all
actions that end in untimely death.
Jesus, Son of Man, we as Christians are committed to be Christ on
earth. Allow your grace to flow through us into the world.
Let us be grateful for the beauty of our Earth. Make us ever mindful of
its fragility as we strive to reduce carbon emissions.
God of all people, help us to see that every human life is equal in your
eyes. During this month honoring Black Catholics, let us give our
Black brothers and sisters their due credit for enriching our Liturgy
and practices.
Merciful Lord, embrace your followers who have lost a loved one
within your comforting arms. May their grief be soothed by your
loving presence.
Terry Trudeau