Prayers of the Faithful
13 th Sunday of Ordinary Time
June 26-27, 2021
Gracious God, we pray for the United States bishops, that they may be guided in
their decisions by the wisdom of Pope Francis.
We pray for our St. Vincent community as we struggle with the issues of racism.
May we be guided by your Holy Spirit.
We pray for an end to the continual wars throughout the world and the harm
done by drones. May those who live in war zones soon know peace.
We pray for your loving protection for all children, especially those who have lost
their parents and homes, and those who are vulnerable to violence in our city.
We pray for reform in our criminal justice system. Guide all involved to make the
changes that will bring true justice.
Loving God, we pray for healing for all who suffer from physical sickness, mental
illness, or abuse. Be with all who are in mourning, and welcome those who have
died in your loving embrace.
Sheila Sharpe