God of all gifts, we have long neglected and ignored the warnings of our earthly home. Guide Pope Francis and church leaders in their work of reparation and healing for the harm done to our planet.
God of mercy, the Supreme Courtruled in 2015 on the right of the LGBTQ community to equality in marriage and has defended their rights in the workplace. We pray all people will support and respect these rights.
God of Justice, we pray that all world political leaders will address the needs of the world’s marginalized people, especially in countries struggling with drought, civil unrest, famine, disease, and hunger.
God of wisdom, we pray for your guidance and wisdom as the St. Vincent family starts its discussions on racism. Help us to listen, think, study, pray and act.
God of healing, we pray for all those who are suffering from the ravages of COVID 19. Bless doctors, nurses, scientists, and frontline workers with strength, continued dedication, and safety.
God of our salvation, hold all who have lost loved ones close to your heart, and may our deceased enjoy the life that never ends.
Sheila Sharpe
Peg McFadden