Bread of Life, teach us to minister to people of all races, creeds, sexualities, and
Help us feed and clothe the poor, especially in communities of color, as is our
sacred duty as followers of St. Vincent DePaul.
Sung Response
O Great Redeemer, you who fed the multitude, please inspire our elected
officials to make just decisions for all people and not just for the few.
Let your warmth, love, and protection wash over Father Joseph and his friends
and family, as they have greatly suffered.
Sung Response
Prophet amongst the people, uplift those who have lost loved ones this year,
especially due to COVID and police brutality. Feed your people so that they
know they are not alone.
Wrap the deceased in your loving embrace as you guide them to heaven. Help
them to connect with our ancestors in the fullness of your Holy Spirit.
Sung Response
Dorina Opferman