3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time–January 22th- January 23th, 2021
Great Advocate, unite the church with your perfect light. Help us to better do
your will as the truly universal church, during this Week of Prayer for Christian
Savior of the World, bring an end to conflicts everywhere, especially between
Russia and the Ukraine as tensions escalate between these two nations on the
brink of war.
Creator, protect all who suffer from natural disasters, especially our brothers
and sisters in Tonga. Who face much devastation after a volcanic eruption and
tsunami hit their country.
Counselor, heal those whose burdens are heavy, because of physical and mental
illnesses. Let them know they are never truly alone, when you are by their side.
Alpha and Omega, you are truly the beginning and the end. Bring comfort to
those who mourn the loss of their loved ones, especially those lost to gun
violence and police brutality.
Dorina Opferman