St Vincent de Paul Parish – January 1, 2021
Blessed Mary, handmaid of the Lord , intercede for us to be
responsive to the voice of God, the voice of conscience, in the face of
an unknown future that may very well require heroic commitment . Let
us pray to the Lord.
Blessed Mary, gracious Lady, intercede for us that we respond to the
needs of the poor with love and respect while acknowledging our own
dependence on God’s goodness. Let us pray to the Lord.
Blessed Mary, Champion of God’s people, intercede for us to
confront indifference and injustice in our day. For interior strength
born of a balance of prayer and service, let us pray to the Lord.
Blessed Mary, you who put aside comfort to visit Elizabeth, intercede
for us that members of the parish family would not fail to be there for
one another to serve in unity and humility. Let us pray to the Lord.
Blessed Mary, Queen of mercy, intercede for our world, our
community and our families and especially those who are sick, those
who have died and those who grieve for them. Let us pray to the
Paul Witte