Prayers of the Faithful
December 26, 2021
Holy Family Sunday
Loving God, we pray for Pope Francis and all Church leaders. May they faithfully serve you all
their days and be bearers of your Word throughout the world.
We pray for world leaders and all people, may we recognize our responsibility to work for a
safe, healthy and sustainable environment, especially for future generations
We pray for all families, especially those who struggle with addictions, homelessness, job loss,
poverty, or estrangement from loved ones. Bring them healing, reconciliation, and peace.
For the whole human family that we may learn to live in peace, striving to break down the
barriers of prejudice and intolerance.
For all who are suffering from violence, from physical or mental illness, from loneliness. May
loving hearts reach out to them and support them. May they know you are near.
Loving God, we pray for all who are mourning. May they experience your consolation and
know you have welcomed their loved ones into their eternal home.
Peg McFadden