St. Vincent’s has nearly 75 ministries serving all aspects of the Parish and beyond. Learn more about each ministry below.

Children and Teens



Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Assist in offering age-appropriate instruction to young children (3 to 12) at 9:00 & 10:30 AM Sunday Masses.


DePaul School

Promote the well-being of our Germantown Catholic elementary school staff and students through appreciation days and related fund-raising.

Inn Dwelling

Parish-allied organization offers tutoring for talented high school students who seek help reaching their goals.

Youth Ministry

Now in formation, the vision of this ministry is for middle and high school youth who have received the sacraments to continue to grow in their faith and to stay connected with the parish and with each other.


Adult Faith Formation and Prayer

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)

Discussion and faith sharing with adults exploring full communion with the Catholic faith, facilitated by dedicated parishioners.


Faith-sharing group focused on our relationship with Christ, and how we can share that with others.

Contact: Sheila Sharpe

Centering Prayer

Monthly, on the 3rd Tues at 1:30 PM in the rectory chapel; contemplative prayer that supports all of our active parish ministries.

Contact: Bernadette Cronin-Geller

Legion of Mary

Wed afternoon gatherings; find Jesus through prayer, works of mercy, and evangelization rooted in devotion to Mary, the Mother of Jesus.

Contact: Sharon Fisher

Men’s Group

Men of all ages gather on the last Fri of the month for faith-sharing & socializing.

Contact: Frank Killian

Friday Evening Prayer Group

Format varies depending on the time of year; in Lent, centers around Stations of the Cross understood from a racial justice perspective.

Contact: Dorina Opferman

Bible Study Group

Weds. evening gatherings; read and discuss scripture to strengthen our faith and ground it in Biblical wisdom.

Contact: Sheila Sharpe

Spiritual Direction

Trained spiritual directors offer hour-long prayerful 1-on-1 meetings with those who request guidance in listening for the Holy Spirit moving in their lives. Sliding scale fees.

Contact: Tom Volkert, Sheila Sharpe, Margie Winters, or Kathy Cleaver





Liturgy Committee

Monthly, on 1st Mon at 6:45; Liturgy means “work of the people.” An advisory committee to the Pastor, working to reach consensus on topics that affect liturgical celebrations.

Contact: Mike Weyand

Joyful Spirit Guitar Group

This new music ministry is open to all those with any level of guitar experience who are interested in singing with a guitar group.

Contact: Tanya Geisler

Liturgy Coordinators

“Behind the scenes” work before weekend Masses; prepare altar (linens, bread, wine); ensure that ministers are in place for processional, reading of the Word, communion.

Contact: Mike Weyand


Warmly welcome everyone who comes to our weekend liturgies.

Contact: Tony Gilliam

Gospel Choir

All types of voices welcome! No need to read music. Rehearsals Tues, 7 PM.

Contact: Jerome Lang

Contemporary Choir named changed June 2024 to Ensemble Choir

All types of voices welcome! No need to read music. Rehearsals Thursdays, 7:30  PM.

Contact:  Liam Maher at

Spanish-Language Music Ministry

Contact: Michael Shackleford-Taylor or Luis Alberto Peña

Spanish-Language Liturgy

Evangelize, act as lectors and leaders of prayer

Contact: Dermis de Jesus

Children’s Choir

Seasonal, especially Christmas and Easter.

Contact: Dermis de Jesus or Heather Wright-Lee

Writers of Petitions Ministry

A group that prayerfully reads the Scripture for the week, considers current events, and writes timely, inspiring petitions to be lifted up at weekend Masses.

Contact: Peg McFadden

Eucharistic Bread Bakers

Discontinued 2024   Contact: Amy Buchanan

Lector Ministry

The Lector Ministry at St. Vincent de Paul Church is committed to serving our worshipping assembly Prayerfully prepare and read assigned Scripture readings with clarity and feeling, so all present can hear and receive God’s Word. Training provided.

Contact: Vi Shenkman

Altar Servers

An opportunity for youth to serve the parish community by assisting the presider at Mass and other services.

Intercessory Prayer

After weekend Masses, a circle of parishioners lift up shared concerns in prayer.

Contact: Sue Mangold

Veronica Ministry

Laundering altar linens.

Contact: Carolyn Chavis

Praise Dance

Just starting up in 2023! Come and see.

Contact: Kya Johnson

Eucharistic Ministers

Assist in reverently distributing Holy Communion; visiting EMs bring Eucharist to the homebound.

Contact: Mike Weyand

Lay/Intercessory Leaders of Prayer

Lead the congregation into weekend liturgies by giving a reflection on the Mass readings or other appropriate spiritual topics before Mass.

Contact: Joan McGowan joaniemc223@jmcgowan


Social Services and Outreach



Bereavement Ministry

Our ministry is to assist the bereaved family to plan and prepare the final Mass of their loved one. Support for bereaved families; assist them in planning funeral readings and music; provide greeter and usher duties during funerals.

Contact: Gloria Benton

Connections Ministry

Launched at the start of the pandemic; make periodic calls to parishioners—especially those not able to come to church regularly—to check in with them and share parish updates.

Contact: Mary Laver

Knights of Columbus

Catholic men’s organization witnessing to charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism through works of mercy locally & worldwide. Meets 1st Tues eves.

Contact: Wiley Redding

Catholic Daughters of America

Women’s organization promoting justice, equality and human rights through spirituality and service.

Contact: Heather Goldsmith

My Place Germantown

A parish-allied program that houses formerly homeless men with disabilities near St Vincent’s. Volunteers needed to run periodic fundraisers in the parish to support this program.

Contact: Peg McFadden

Food Pantry

Weekly (Tues AM) distribution of food donated by parishioners and others to those in need in our area. Some volunteers also do home-deliveries to shut-ins.

Contact: Liz Bergen

PAR Recycle Works

A parish-allied program that provides transitional employment in the electronics recycling industry to people who are reintegrating into society.

Contact: Wiley Redding

Young Adult Ministry (YAM)

Parishioners aged 20 to “40-something” gather for fellowship and faith-sharing.

Contact: for Emmett Schweiger. Click the link to see the YAM webpage.

Seniors Ministry

Fellowship, food, and fun! The Seniors Ministry Support and fellowship for senior parishioners; maintain Catholic connections through regular phone calls and other assistance.

Contact: Robin & Jerry Smith

Knights and Ladies of St. Peter Claver

Oldest and largest Black Catholic lay organization in the US, spreading faith, hope and love through friendship, unity and charity.

Contact: Frances Williams

Face to Face

Parish-allied program that serves meals to community members in need year-round.

Volunteers can sign up at:

St. Vincent De Paul Society

Collections of clothing, housewares for those in need.

Contact: Liz Bergen or Jean Flynn

Healthcare Ministry

Before COVID, this ministry hosted annual health fairs. When COVID vaccines arrived, they facilitated shots for people without WiFi and/or transportation. What could a parish health ministry look like now? Help us vision this!


Social Justice



Peace and Justice Committee

Meets monthly to plan events for parishioners to learn about and act on social justice issues.

Contact Doug Porpora:


The Pro-Life Union fosters a vision and strategy for a culture of life across Philadelphia. Our beliefs are incarnated in the family and through service to those making the choice for life.

Sister Parish

Meet regularly to act in solidarity with our sister community, Las Anoñas de Santa Cruz, El Salvador, advocating for economic justice and sharing across the miles our close, 30+-year relationships.

Contact: Mary Durkin

POWER Interfaith

A city-wide org connected to Faith in Action, mobilizing people of all faiths to urge politicians to support policies that lift up historically marginalized people, especially in Black and Brown communities. St Vincent’s chapter especially promotes access to voting.

Contact: Mary Laver

New Sanctuary Movement

Our parish chapter of NSM (city-wide immigrants’ rights org) meets monthly to mobilize in support of individual immigrants as well as policy initiatives that lift up their human dignity. To learn more about us please see the committee web page:

Contact: Paul Witte

Care for Creation

The St. Vincent de Paul Church Care for Creation Ministry, guided by the Catholic Tradition, seeks to listen to and answer the cry of Creation by engaging our community in just, nature-nourishing, and sustainable practices, and environmental advocacy. We work to foster our communal “ecological conversion” through prayer, practice, and learning.

See more here:


Parish Support



Parish Pastoral Council

Fosters participation by all parishioners in the life and mission of our parish; advises pastor on ways to support that goal. Meets monthly, 1st Thurs. Members serve 3-year terms.

Contact: Terri Peebles or Suzanne Garnett

Office Volunteers

Help run the office on weekdays when staff are not present, answering calls and preparing periodic mailings.

Contact:  (part-time admin asst in the rectory: 215-438-2925 weekdays.

New Parishioner Orientations

Just getting launched! Will host gatherings to warmly welcome new members and acquaint them with our parish mission & ministries.

Finance Committee

Assists the pastor in making financial decisions for the good of the parish. Manages tithing, budgeting, strategic planning.

Contact: Anthony Caringi

Multimedia Ministry

Maintains and updates parish website and social media. Sends e-bulletins and announcements to keep parishioners informed and connected.

Contact: Lenny Thompson or Joan McGowan

Livestream Team

Tape 10:30 Mass (for website, YouTube) and 12:30 Spanish Mass (for Facebook Live).

Contact: Terrance Fulton