My Dear Church Family,
May God protect us and heal the World! This is a time for deep prayer and caution. In my lifetime, I have never experienced anything like this coronavirus.
Please let’s pray each and every day. I am enclosing a prayer that I found was powerful, so let me encourage you and your family to pray it daily. Pope Francis has encouraged us to pray for this world health crisis through the intercession of the Blessed Mother. Pray as it fits your prayer life, but I will encourage the daily praying of the Rosary.
Secondly, the Archdiocese has suspended all public Masses in the Archdiocese until further notice. We will continue to have daily and Sunday Masses but they will be celebrated by the priest alone. Be assured that every Mass we have we will have you in our hearts and thoughts.
Because of this suspension of all public Masses, we will begin posting one of our Sunday Masses on our website and Facebook pages. Our website is Our Facebook is This way we can be connected electronically to each other. We hope also to do this with our weekday Masses. We are also looking into hosting meetings online, like CLOW and RCIA and BIBLE STUDY and PASTORAL COUNCIL.
Thirdly, we deeply care about our elderly, our sick and shut-ins. We will begin calling you by phone to check on you and to pray with you. While in-person contact is suspended, know that if you or a loved one is critically ill and needs the sacraments, please don’t hesitate to call. We will be out to pray with you and anoint you. We will not physically visit without you requesting a visit.
Fourthly, while we are most concerned about our physical and spiritual health, we are also concerned about the financial health of our parish. So at this time let me urge you to sign up either for online giving or some other electronic way of maintaining our great church, St. Vincent de Paul Parish. You can check out these possibilities on our website. Just go to the online giving icon and follow the easy to use directions. We are also looking to develop other ways to support our church, like PayPal, Venmo and Cash app options. All this new information will be on our website and Facebook page in a few days.
Finally, we want to stay connected to you in prayer and electronically. Let me encourage that we become frequent visitors to our website and Facebook pages.
Once again here is the info:
If you need to contact us:
Fr. Sy – or 410-371-0627
Fr. Joseph –
Fr. Bindel –
The church number is 215-438-2925. Leave the message in my phone mailbox, extension 218.
Let me assure you of my prayers for you daily. In my rosaries, Masses, common prayer and personal novenas. Please pray for us and our wonderful church family of St. Vincent’s.
In Christ the Healer,
Fr. Sy